Weighing in at approximately 21 lbs, Peyton is now 30" long and has a 19" head. She is finally proportional with her head. :) Over the past 17 months we have boxed up 10 boxes of newborn, 0-3, 3-6,6-9, 9-12 month clothing. We are so blessed that we only had to pay for a small fraction of the clothing she has been wearing. Its now carefully marked and stored in the garage for a future baby (not in the works by the way).
Easter this year was a little more exciting. We participated in not one but three easter egg hunts. The first one she picked up one egg and ran around with it. The second one one she picked up a few more and when she got to the egg with pennies in it she promptly stopped and played with it. The third Easter egg hunt was more successful but she decided to pick up the eggs and then hide them again. So smart.
Then (2012) and Now (2013):
The Easter dress was more effective this year as well. She still isn't a fan of hair bows or headbands but we are getting to wear our dresses longer.
Then (2012) and Now (2013):
And we were able to sit through an entire church service this year because we choose the balcony seating in Three Forks and she was able to play with her toys and sing along and walk around without disturbing others. There was one scary moment where she tried to throw a play golf ball over the edge onto an unsuspecting congregation. Luckily we stopped her just in time.
We are starting to enjoy playtime immensely. Its to the point where she will actually throw a temper tantrum when its time to come inside.
The drawing and letters are mine obviously...
Gramma Hoot also sent us a little motorized 4-wheeler so that she can compete with the boys next door on the hill races. It only took her a week or so before she found the button that makes the bike "go". She now drives around the culdesac with me walking behind her.
Peyton also likes to go to school and visit Daddy and the school kids. She has gotten in on a couple of games of basketball which is really a joy to watch.
But most of all I have noticed more and more that our little monkey is becoming a little girl. With attitude.
We are so blessed by her goofy, and often "spirited" nature, that we can't wait to see what she learns to do each passing day.
Sitting in a big girl chair at Nana Birdie's house in her new piggy tails.
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